So ive made a few routines and some of the skills i made in my head dont exsist in the code of points i wanted yall to see if you think these skills are possible
Plus some connections i made that i think are amazing in routines that i havent seen people do
Piked Gaylord possibly a H skill
Layout Gaylord possibly a I skill
Full Layout Gaylord (Layout flip with a full twist) possibly a J skill plus might get banned/ downgraded :(
Round off 1.5 Twist mount (on the uneven bars) ((yes on the high bar))
Yes i know these skills look IMPOSSIBLE TO DO but they look so stunning when i see them in my head
Van leeuween + Counter Kim (in connection on bars)
Arabian + Back Full (On beam in connection)
Back handspring + Worley + Front Layout Half (On beam in connection)
Schaefer + yang Bo (side stand) + Teza or yuerencko loop (On beam in connection)
Def + Geinger (on bars in connection)
Giant 1/1 in reverse grip + layout Jaeger full + Bhardwaj + Chow ½ or Van Leeuween (on bars in connection)
Also is a Geinger mix grip possible or a Double jaeger Pike? (going around twice instead of once in a piked postion)