I want everyone to feel like they can create their own articles more easily. The coding of the articles is pretty easy to learn, especially if you start by just copying and pasting. Blank templates of certain tables and infoboxes can be found in the tabs on this page, ready for you to copy and paste.
I know I sound super controlling with some of these requirements but it's very important that everything on here is uniform and doesn't look sloppy. If you're having trouble with some of the HTML in the tables, please don't hesitate to ask me.
This is extremely time consuming work. It requires a lot of information gathering, sometimes from multiple sources. If, for whatever reason, you have to step away from the page for a while, save the page and use the stub template to let everyone know the page is still a work in progress:
Failure to follow article guidelines will result in a warning. If you still don't follow article guidelines after one warning, you will receive a one week ban.