Gymnastics Wiki
Gymnastics Wiki
Gymnastics Wiki
Description Difficulty What It Looks Like
split jump A (0.1) Geo4x
stag jump A (0.1) Gehvx
sissone A (0.1) Gekgo
straddle jump with full turn (Popa) C (0.3) Geoi3
split leap with full turn C (0.3) Gennj
switch split leap with half turn C (0.3) Gencz
switch split ring leap C (0.3) Geku7
Johnson with half turn D (0.4) Gen9f
split leap with 1½ turn D (0.4) Gen2l
switch split leap with full turn D (0.4) Gf2sk
split leap to ring position with half
turn (Ting)
D (0.4) 3izk4m
split leap with full turn to ring
D (0.4) Gemux
switch split ring leap with half
D (0.4) Gem6j