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Description Difficulty What It Looks Like
toe-on release with counter
movement to high bar
B (0.2) Gfj5o
Stalder release with counter
movement to high bar (Ray)
B (0.2) Gfj1z
swing backwards to straddle
flight to handstand
C (0.3) Gfkyh
swing forward with half turn
to handstand on low bar
D (0.4) Gfk69
swing forward to straight salto
backwards to low bar (Pak)
D (0.4) Gfjc5
swing backwards to half turning
flight to low bar (Ezhova)
D (0.4) Gfmp4
Stalder with flight backward
to high bar (Chow)
D (0.4) Gfji6
toe-on release with flight
backwards to high bar (Maloney)
D (0.4) Gfg32
Pak with full turn (Bhardwaj) E (0.5) Gfktz
Maloney with half turn
(Van Leeuwen)
E (0.5) Gfk37
pike Stalder with half turning
flight to high bar (Komova)
E (0.5) Gfi3g
pike Stalder with flight to
high bar (Komova II)
E (0.5) Gfig1
toe-on circle with full turn in
flight to high bar (Seitz)
E (0.5) Ge4l4
Stalder with flight backward to
high bar with half turn
E (0.5) Gfjjg